
Who are you?
Stranger behind screen,
Who I see in my every dream.
Who texts me every single day,
To know about my life.
But you?
What know I about you?
How do I know it's true?
I know your name, your age and tone,
But how I know it's you?
I don't believe you, I can't lie,
No matter what you say,
I am afraid you toyed with me,
Like every other men.
Who do you think you are to me?
Who do you think I am?
You don't know me as much as think,
There is much more of me.
You sure you wanna play this game?
You sure you want to risk?
I'm not the one you can forget,
Can't easily erase.
You fool with me, step in my mess,
And if you leave me broken,
I won't forgive, I'll make you pay...
But only in my mind.
Who are you?
Stranger behind screen,
Who makes my heart beat faster.
Can I believe you won't defeat
What I built for so long?
I don't trust people anymore,
I am afraid of them.
But please, can you be one,
Who proves it wrong to me?

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